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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out if there is a Heart2Heart Girls Club in my area?
You may contact us via email ( ). We will let you know if there is one nearby.

What inspired Tricia Rodgers to start Heart2Heart as a way to reach out to to Preteen Girls?
Tricia expresses her passion for the Heart2Heart Ministry and its beginnings this way: “With all that preteen girls face in this world today they could use a trusted friend, a mentor. If not for the mentors I've had in my life, I don't know where I would be. This is a way I can provide the same thing for someone else."

How do I start a Heart2Heart Club? What steps do I need to take?

  1. Register to become a Heart2Heart Club. Be sure and complete the Heart2Heart Club form in full so we can keep up with everyone as we grow.
  2. Download (or receive your Getting Starting Kit in the mail) and review the materials.
  3. Invite every Preteen Girl you know (and don’t know!) by extending a personal invitation.
  4. Order a theme that appeals to you from one of the Heart2Heart volumes.
  5. Each Heart2Heart volume contains one year of tried and true Heart2Heart themes. Themes are based on preteens interest. 
  6. You can purchase the Heart2Heart books through the Heart2Heart Shoppe.

How do I get the word out about the club?
The Heart2Heart Club manual has a section on publicity. This section talks about flyers, press releases and other ways to getting the word out.

Am I on my own once I register a club?
No, definitely not!  We promise to help you as you get your club started and provide assistance at any time.

What types of activities are suggested for a new club?
Start off with simple activities for the first month. An Open House to announce your new club and an Ice Cream Sundae Party are a great beginning.

How much of a time commitment is required to start a club?
To get the club started, you will need time to have the first meeting and set the initial calendar. After you get started, the Club Founder usually opts to be the club coordinator. As club coordinator, pray about whom to choose for your assistant coordinator and together pray about whom to choose as your mentoring team. 

The assistant coordinator will assist you in guiding the club, but the whole mentoring team should help plan and execute the club’s plans. The amount of time required is up to you. 

If you have more questions, please feel free to ask!


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